Calling Museum Educators: Share your brains!


MERfolk at Museums Advocacy Day 2017: member Lotte Lent, board president Brooke DiGiovanni Evans, and myself. (Senator Elizabeth Warren’s office looks out over a Calder in the atrium, lucky her!)

As a board member for the Museum Education Roundtable, I get to hear about some of the very coolest stuff happening in the world of museums, especially since I’m on the editorial team that works on upcoming issues of the Journal of Museum Education.

My MER colleagues are amazing, and we’re looking for some new folks to help fill out our board! If you’re interested in nominating yourself or someone else, you still have a bit of time to do so: board nominations are due by March 31. You can find out more here. (Our new website launches very soon, so please have patience with the old one, we promise it’s about to be 900% better.)

We’re also looking for short articles that offer new ideas in answer to challenges we all face, from getting teachers to use the pre- or post-visit materials we offer, to figuring out how to evaluate programs, to confronting our own biases and assumptions as educators to be better programmers, exhibit designers, and guides. The call for article ideas is open now, and of course if you have a big idea for an article or theme idea for a journal issue, you can always check out our general call for submissions here. If you’re interested in submitting for the “Familiar Challenges/New Ideas” issue, please submit your idea by March 31. (If your idea fits the theme, the actual writing deadline is later, so you do have time!)

And if you have ideas that are not necessarily education-related, or there’s a museum book you want to review, or a case study in volunteer management you want to share, etc., I am always happy to talk article ideas with you for New England Museums Now, NEMA’s online journal. The open call for submissions for NEMN is here.


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