The Force is with us, always


Shoebox card by Brian. (Also an excellent kickoff for a holiday-themed grammar lesson.)

It’s Star Wars week, which is exciting to me right down into my bones. To celebrate Star Wars week here on Brain Popcorn, here are a few of my favorite interdisciplinary ways to be part of the Rebellion.

First Order (of business, not of the Empire!)

First of all, don’t miss out on the many cool ideas and resources available through Star Wars in the Classroom.  They have units and discussions on everything from analyzing themes, finding real-world parallels in natural history, mythology, and history, to coding and understanding CGI. Civics to spaceships, this site for and by educators is more than a match for a good blaster at your side.


The Real Science Inspired by Star Wars  and Visit the Star Wars Universe Without Leaving Planet Earth, both from National Geographic


R2D2’s projector (not quite holographic, but still cool) by HomeStar Planetarium (


Star Wars Medley – Bluegrass Style – If you could remix a Star Wars theme, which one would you pick, and what style would you use?

Literature and Drama


Puns and t-shirts by Poetry Alive (


“Wookie the Chew,” by artist James Hance (

I’ve been a fan of the work of artist James Hance for years, and his Wookie the Chew crossover works (including a book) always hit me in the happy place. I think his images would be great as kickstarters for a writing prompt:

Recast your favorite children’s book with characters from Star Wars. How does the story change? How does it stay the same?

Just for Fun

Because who doesn’t want an exploding Death Star lamp?

One thought on “The Force is with us, always

  1. Pingback: At home in a galaxy, far far away | Sea Dreams and Time Machines

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